POST Checkin Order
Sends a command to the POS to fire an order
URI template
v1/FormattedOrders/{storeIdentifier}/{orderId}/CheckIn?tenderOrder={tenderOrder}&timeout={timeout}Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Type | Additional information | Description |
storeIdentifier | integer |
Required |
The store to send the command to |
orderId | long |
Required |
The Id of the Order to be fired |
tenderOrder | boolean |
Default value is False |
Whether or not the POS should tender the Order |
timeout | integer |
Default value is 30000 |
The timeout for this command, in milliseconds |
Body Parameters
The inbound order object
Note: The order object is not required in the body. It is there for when it may become relevant in the future.
InOrderName | Type | Additional information | Description |
Customer | Customer |
Required |
Customer placing the Order |
Guests | Collection of Guest |
None. |
Guest information of the order |
Items | Collection of Item |
Required |
Items for the Order |
Tenders | Collection of Payment |
None. |
Tenders applied to the order |
Promos | Collection of Promo |
None. |
Promos applied to the Order |
Comps | Collection of Comp |
None. |
Comps applied to the Order |
ReferenceNumber | long |
None. |
An optional OutOrder identifier for tracking use by external applications |
ExternalOrderId | string |
None. |
An optional free-form order identifier use by external applications |
OrderTime | date |
None. |
Date and time order was placed |
PrepTime | integer |
None. |
Amount of time in minutes needed to
DriveTime | integer |
None. |
Amount of time in minutes needed to deliver the order to the customer |
PromiseDateTime | date |
None. |
Date and time that the customer can expect the order to be ready. |
OrderSource | OrderSourceType |
None. |
Indicates where an OutOrder originated from |
Destination | string |
None. |
Order destination |
SourceId | string |
None. |
The source id |
DestinationId | string |
None. |
The destination id |
OrderMode | OrderModeType |
Required |
Mode of the order |
OverrideModeCharge | decimal number |
None. |
Allows the amount of the order mode
Status | OrderStatus |
None. |
Status of the Order.
AutoSendToKitchen | boolean |
None. |
For InDelay orders, this dictates whether the system will automatically send the order to the kitchen at the prescribed time (if true),
TaxExempt | boolean |
None. |
Indicates that this order should be tax
EstimatedSubTotal | decimal number |
None. |
Not currently used |
EstimatedTax | decimal number |
None. |
Used to indicate the tax that the external
SpecialInstructions | string |
None. |
Special instructions for the order |
CheckedIn | boolean |
None. |
Indicates whether the order has been checked in at the site |
CheckInSummary | string |
None. |
All available check in information concatenated into one field |
CheckInApplication | string |
None. |
Name of the application used to initiate the check in event |
CheckInOriginType | string |
None. |
Simple description of the hardware/software situation the above application/system used to originate the event |
CheckInOriginId | string |
None. |
If applicable, a specific number of the origin type above to help identify it |
CheckInVectorType | string |
None. |
If applicable, a predefined physical or logical target for the behavior defined around the check in action. |
CheckInVectorId | string |
None. |
If applicable, a specific number of the Vector Type above to help identify it |
CheckInIntent | string |
None. |
Specifies actions to be taken by the in store software.
AutoRelease | boolean |
None. |
Indicates whether the order should auto release at the future order release window |
PartySize | integer |
None. |
Indicates the number of people who will be served by this order |
ReleaseAwaitingDeposit | boolean |
None. |
If set to true on a future order, the order
AssignAlohaLoyalty | boolean |
None. |
If set to true, ATO will assign any loyalty merits/rewards to the customer's
SiteInformation | SiteInformation |
None. |
Optional SiteInformation element |
KitchenStatus | KitchenStatus |
None. |
The status of the order in the kitchen |
LaneIdentifier | string |
None. |
Identifies which lane an order is intended for in a multilane drive-through |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "AttemptId": "3e5eef18-b869-459a-ae4f-a5a2906f0916", "OrderId": 2, "Customer": { "$id": "2", "ExtraAddresses": [ { "$id": "3", "AddressId": 1, "AddressType": 0, "AddressLine1": "sample string 1", "AddressLine2": "sample string 2", "City": "sample string 3", "State": "sample string 4", "Postal": "sample string 5", "Country": "sample string 6", "BusinessName": "sample string 7", "AddressNotes": "sample string 8", "IsDefault": true, "DepartmentName": "sample string 10" }, { "$ref": "3" } ], "Vehicle": { "$id": "4", "Make": "sample string 1", "Model": "sample string 2", "Color": "sample string 3" }, "CustomFields": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "CustomerId": 1, "ReferenceId": 1, "FirstName": "sample string 1", "LastName": "sample string 2", "EMail": "sample string 3", "LoyaltyCardNumber": "sample string 4", "TaxId": "sample string 5", "Notes": "sample string 6", "VoicePhone": "sample string 7", "VoicePhoneExtension": "sample string 8", "PhoneType": 0, "AddressLine1": "sample string 9", "AddressLine2": "sample string 10", "City": "sample string 11", "State": "sample string 12", "Postal": "sample string 13", "AddressNotes": "sample string 14", "AddressType": 0, "SaveAddress": true, "BusinessName": "sample string 15", "DepartmentName": "sample string 16" }, "Guests": [ { "$id": "5", "ItemIds": [ 1, 2 ], "Number": 1, "Name": "sample string 1" }, { "$ref": "5" } ], "Items": [ { "$id": "6", "ItemId": 1, "SubItems": [ { "$ref": "6" }, { "$ref": "6" } ], "ReferenceId": 2, "PosItemId": 3, "ModCodeId": 4, "SourceModifierGroupId": 5, "Name": "sample string 6", "PreciseQuantity": 8.0, "Price": 9.0, "UseTakeOutPrice": true, "Message": "sample string 11" }, { "$ref": "6" } ], "Tenders": [ { "$id": "7", "ExpirationDate": "sample string 1", "ZipCode": "sample string 2", "SecurityCode": "sample string 3", "ProtectionId": "sample string 4", "TenderId": "sample string 5", "EncryptedCardNumber": "sample string 6", "P2PECombo": 0, "PaymentMethodType": 0, "AccountNumber": "sample string 8", "PayBalance": true, "Amount": 10.0, "Tip": 11.0, "PreAuthorize": true, "DepositTenderType": null, "WalletType": 0, "WalletId": "sample string 14", "ProcessingType": 0, "CardNumberMasked": "sample string 15" }, { "$ref": "7" } ], "Promos": [ { "$id": "8", "ItemSelections": [ { "$id": "9", "GroupId": 1, "ItemReferenceIds": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "$ref": "9" } ], "IdentifierData": "sample string 1", "GuestCount": 2, "PromoId": 3, "Amount": 4.0 }, { "$ref": "8" } ], "Comps": [ { "$id": "10", "ItemSelections": [ { "$ref": "9" }, { "$ref": "9" } ], "CompId": 1, "Rate": 2.0, "Amount": 3.0 }, { "$ref": "10" } ], "ReferenceNumber": 3, "ExternalOrderId": "sample string 4", "OrderTime": "2025-03-14T04:18:25.8980685+00:00", "PrepTime": 5, "DriveTime": 6, "PromiseDateTime": "2025-03-14T04:18:25.8980685+00:00", "OrderSource": 0, "Destination": "sample string 8", "SourceId": "sample string 9", "DestinationId": "sample string 10", "OrderMode": 0, "OverrideModeCharge": 1.0, "Status": 0, "AutoSendToKitchen": true, "TaxExempt": true, "EstimatedSubTotal": 13.0, "EstimatedTax": 14.0, "SpecialInstructions": "sample string 15", "CheckedIn": true, "CheckInSummary": "sample string 17", "CheckInApplication": "sample string 18", "CheckInOriginType": "sample string 19", "CheckInOriginId": "sample string 20", "CheckInVectorType": "sample string 21", "CheckInVectorId": "sample string 22", "CheckInIntent": "sample string 23", "AutoRelease": true, "PartySize": 25, "ReleaseAwaitingDeposit": true, "AssignAlohaLoyalty": true, "SiteInformation": { "$id": "11", "OnlineCompanyCode": "sample string 1", "OnlineSiteId": "sample string 2" }, "KitchenStatus": 0, "LaneIdentifier": "sample string 28" }
application/xml, text/xml
<InOrder xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AssignAlohaLoyalty xmlns="">true</AssignAlohaLoyalty> <AutoRelease xmlns="">true</AutoRelease> <AutoSendToKitchen xmlns="">true</AutoSendToKitchen> <CheckInApplication xmlns="">sample string 18</CheckInApplication> <CheckInIntent xmlns="">sample string 23</CheckInIntent> <CheckInOriginId xmlns="">sample string 20</CheckInOriginId> <CheckInOriginType xmlns="">sample string 19</CheckInOriginType> <CheckInSummary xmlns="">sample string 17</CheckInSummary> <CheckInVectorId xmlns="">sample string 22</CheckInVectorId> <CheckInVectorType xmlns="">sample string 21</CheckInVectorType> <CheckedIn xmlns="">true</CheckedIn> <Destination xmlns="">sample string 8</Destination> <DestinationId xmlns="">sample string 10</DestinationId> <DriveTime xmlns="">6</DriveTime> <EstimatedSubTotal xmlns="">13</EstimatedSubTotal> <EstimatedTax xmlns="">14</EstimatedTax> <ExternalOrderId xmlns="">sample string 4</ExternalOrderId> <KitchenStatus xmlns="">None</KitchenStatus> <LaneIdentifier xmlns="">sample string 28</LaneIdentifier> <OrderMode xmlns="">None</OrderMode> <OrderSource xmlns="">None</OrderSource> <OrderTime xmlns="">2025-03-14T04:18:25.8980685+00:00</OrderTime> <OverrideModeCharge xmlns="">1</OverrideModeCharge> <PartySize xmlns="">25</PartySize> <PrepTime xmlns="">5</PrepTime> <PromiseDateTime xmlns="">2025-03-14T04:18:25.8980685+00:00</PromiseDateTime> <ReferenceNumber xmlns="">3</ReferenceNumber> <ReleaseAwaitingDeposit xmlns="">true</ReleaseAwaitingDeposit> <SiteInformation xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns=""> <d2p1:OnlineCompanyCode>sample string 1</d2p1:OnlineCompanyCode> <d2p1:OnlineSiteId>sample string 2</d2p1:OnlineSiteId> </SiteInformation> <SourceId xmlns="">sample string 9</SourceId> <SpecialInstructions xmlns="">sample string 15</SpecialInstructions> <Status xmlns="">None</Status> <TaxExempt xmlns="">true</TaxExempt> <Comps> <Comp> <Amount xmlns="">3</Amount> <CompId xmlns="">1</CompId> <Rate xmlns="">2</Rate> <ItemSelections> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> </ItemSelections> </Comp> <Comp> <Amount xmlns="">3</Amount> <CompId xmlns="">1</CompId> <Rate xmlns="">2</Rate> <ItemSelections> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> </ItemSelections> </Comp> </Comps> <Customer> <AddressLine1 xmlns="">sample string 9</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2 xmlns="">sample string 10</AddressLine2> <AddressNotes xmlns="">sample string 14</AddressNotes> <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType> <BusinessName xmlns="">sample string 15</BusinessName> <City xmlns="">sample string 11</City> <CustomerId xmlns="">1</CustomerId> <DepartmentName xmlns="">sample string 16</DepartmentName> <EMail xmlns="">sample string 3</EMail> <FirstName xmlns="">sample string 1</FirstName> <LastName xmlns="">sample string 2</LastName> <LoyaltyCardNumber xmlns="">sample string 4</LoyaltyCardNumber> <Notes xmlns="">sample string 6</Notes> <PhoneType xmlns="">None</PhoneType> <Postal xmlns="">sample string 13</Postal> <ReferenceId xmlns="">1</ReferenceId> <SaveAddress xmlns="">true</SaveAddress> <State xmlns="">sample string 12</State> <TaxId xmlns="">sample string 5</TaxId> <VoicePhone xmlns="">sample string 7</VoicePhone> <VoicePhoneExtension xmlns="">sample string 8</VoicePhoneExtension> <CustomFields xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:string>sample string 1</d3p1:string> <d3p1:string>sample string 2</d3p1:string> </CustomFields> <ExtraAddresses> <CustomerAddress> <AddressId xmlns="">1</AddressId> <AddressLine1 xmlns="">sample string 1</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2 xmlns="">sample string 2</AddressLine2> <AddressNotes xmlns="">sample string 8</AddressNotes> <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType> <BusinessName xmlns="">sample string 7</BusinessName> <City xmlns="">sample string 3</City> <Country xmlns="">sample string 6</Country> <DepartmentName xmlns="">sample string 10</DepartmentName> <IsDefault xmlns="">true</IsDefault> <Postal xmlns="">sample string 5</Postal> <State xmlns="">sample string 4</State> </CustomerAddress> <CustomerAddress> <AddressId xmlns="">1</AddressId> <AddressLine1 xmlns="">sample string 1</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2 xmlns="">sample string 2</AddressLine2> <AddressNotes xmlns="">sample string 8</AddressNotes> <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType> <BusinessName xmlns="">sample string 7</BusinessName> <City xmlns="">sample string 3</City> <Country xmlns="">sample string 6</Country> <DepartmentName xmlns="">sample string 10</DepartmentName> <IsDefault xmlns="">true</IsDefault> <Postal xmlns="">sample string 5</Postal> <State xmlns="">sample string 4</State> </CustomerAddress> </ExtraAddresses> <Vehicle> <Color xmlns="">sample string 3</Color> <Make xmlns="">sample string 1</Make> <Model xmlns="">sample string 2</Model> </Vehicle> </Customer> <Guests> <Guest> <Name xmlns="">sample string 1</Name> <Number xmlns="">1</Number> <ItemIds xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:int>1</d4p1:int> <d4p1:int>2</d4p1:int> </ItemIds> </Guest> <Guest> <Name xmlns="">sample string 1</Name> <Number xmlns="">1</Number> <ItemIds xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:int>1</d4p1:int> <d4p1:int>2</d4p1:int> </ItemIds> </Guest> </Guests> <Items> <Item z:Id="i1" xmlns:z=""> <Message xmlns="">sample string 11</Message> <ModCodeId xmlns="">4</ModCodeId> <Name xmlns="">sample string 6</Name> <PosItemId xmlns="">3</PosItemId> <PreciseQuantity xmlns="">8</PreciseQuantity> <Price xmlns="">9</Price> <Quantity xmlns="">7</Quantity> <ReferenceId xmlns="">2</ReferenceId> <SourceModifierGroupId xmlns="">5</SourceModifierGroupId> <UseTakeOutPrice xmlns="">true</UseTakeOutPrice> <ItemId>1</ItemId> <SubItems> <Item z:Ref="i1" /> <Item z:Ref="i1" /> </SubItems> </Item> <Item z:Ref="i1" xmlns:z="" /> </Items> <OrderId>2</OrderId> <Promos> <Promo> <Amount xmlns="">4</Amount> <GuestCount xmlns="">2</GuestCount> <IdentifierData xmlns="">sample string 1</IdentifierData> <PromoId xmlns="">3</PromoId> <ItemSelections> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> </ItemSelections> </Promo> <Promo> <Amount xmlns="">4</Amount> <GuestCount xmlns="">2</GuestCount> <IdentifierData xmlns="">sample string 1</IdentifierData> <PromoId xmlns="">3</PromoId> <ItemSelections> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> <ItemSelection> <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId> <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns=""> <d6p1:int>1</d6p1:int> <d6p1:int>2</d6p1:int> </ItemReferenceIds> </ItemSelection> </ItemSelections> </Promo> </Promos> <Tenders> <Payment> <AccountNumber xmlns="">sample string 8</AccountNumber> <Amount xmlns="">10</Amount> <CardNumberMasked xmlns="">sample string 15</CardNumberMasked> <DepositTenderType i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <DepositTenderTypeString xmlns="">sample string 13</DepositTenderTypeString> <PayBalance xmlns="">true</PayBalance> <PaymentMethodType xmlns="">None</PaymentMethodType> <PaymentMethodTypeString xmlns="">sample string 7</PaymentMethodTypeString> <PreAuthorize xmlns="">true</PreAuthorize> <ProcessingType xmlns="">CreditCard</ProcessingType> <Tip xmlns="">11</Tip> <WalletId xmlns="">sample string 14</WalletId> <WalletType xmlns="">Unknown</WalletType> <EncryptedCardNumber>sample string 6</EncryptedCardNumber> <ExpirationDate>sample string 1</ExpirationDate> <P2PECombo>NonP2PETransaction</P2PECombo> <ProtectionId>sample string 4</ProtectionId> <SecurityCode>sample string 3</SecurityCode> <TenderId>sample string 5</TenderId> <ZipCode>sample string 2</ZipCode> </Payment> <Payment> <AccountNumber xmlns="">sample string 8</AccountNumber> <Amount xmlns="">10</Amount> <CardNumberMasked xmlns="">sample string 15</CardNumberMasked> <DepositTenderType i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <DepositTenderTypeString xmlns="">sample string 13</DepositTenderTypeString> <PayBalance xmlns="">true</PayBalance> <PaymentMethodType xmlns="">None</PaymentMethodType> <PaymentMethodTypeString xmlns="">sample string 7</PaymentMethodTypeString> <PreAuthorize xmlns="">true</PreAuthorize> <ProcessingType xmlns="">CreditCard</ProcessingType> <Tip xmlns="">11</Tip> <WalletId xmlns="">sample string 14</WalletId> <WalletType xmlns="">Unknown</WalletType> <EncryptedCardNumber>sample string 6</EncryptedCardNumber> <ExpirationDate>sample string 1</ExpirationDate> <P2PECombo>NonP2PETransaction</P2PECombo> <ProtectionId>sample string 4</ProtectionId> <SecurityCode>sample string 3</SecurityCode> <TenderId>sample string 5</TenderId> <ZipCode>sample string 2</ZipCode> </Payment> </Tenders> </InOrder>
Response Information
Resource Description
A FormattedOrderResponse
FormattedOrderResponseName | Type | Additional information | Description |
ApiResult | StoreApiResponse |
None. |
The result returned by the Api |
UpdatedOrder | OutOrder |
None. |
The updated Order returned by the POS |
NewSuggestedTime | date |
None. |
Set when the attempt to fulfill the Order at the specified PromiseTime would exceed the set Capacity for the restaurant. Only set in a Submit Order call |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UpdatedOrder": { "$id": "2", "OrderId": 0, "OrderNumber": 0, "SequenceNumber": 0, "FirstSentToKitchenTime": null, "LastSentToKitchenTime": null, "FirstBumpTime": null, "LastBumpTime": null, "FirstPaymentTime": null, "LastPaymentTime": null, "DispatchTime": null, "FulfilledTime": null, "ClosedTime": null, "ModeCharge": 0.0, "SubTotal": 0.0, "DiscountTotal": 0.0, "Tax": 0.0, "PaymentTotal": 0.0, "Total": 0.0, "Tendered": false, "DriverId": 0, "Customer": { "$id": "3", "DeliveryZone": null, "ExtraAddresses": null, "Vehicle": null, "CustomerId": 0, "ReferenceId": 0, "FirstName": "", "LastName": "", "EMail": null, "LoyaltyCardNumber": "", "TaxId": "", "Notes": "", "VoicePhone": "", "VoicePhoneExtension": null, "PhoneType": 0, "AddressLine1": "", "AddressLine2": "", "City": "", "State": "", "Postal": "", "AddressNotes": null, "AddressType": 0, "SaveAddress": false, "BusinessName": "", "DepartmentName": "" }, "Items": [], "FailedItems": [], "Tenders": [], "Promos": [], "Comps": [], "Guests": [], "ReferenceNumber": 0, "ExternalOrderId": null, "OrderTime": null, "PrepTime": 0, "DriveTime": 0, "PromiseDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "OrderSource": 0, "Destination": null, "SourceId": null, "DestinationId": null, "OrderMode": 0, "OverrideModeCharge": null, "Status": 0, "AutoSendToKitchen": false, "TaxExempt": false, "EstimatedSubTotal": 0.0, "EstimatedTax": 0.0, "SpecialInstructions": null, "CheckedIn": false, "CheckInSummary": null, "CheckInApplication": null, "CheckInOriginType": null, "CheckInOriginId": null, "CheckInVectorType": null, "CheckInVectorId": null, "CheckInIntent": null, "AutoRelease": false, "PartySize": 0, "ReleaseAwaitingDeposit": false, "AssignAlohaLoyalty": false, "SiteInformation": null, "KitchenStatus": 0 }, "NewSuggestedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "ApiResult": { "$id": "4", "TransactionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ResultCode": 0, "ResultMessage": "Success" } }
application/xml, text/xml
<FormattedOrderResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ApiResult xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns=""> <d2p1:ResultCode>0</d2p1:ResultCode> <d2p1:ResultMessage>Success</d2p1:ResultMessage> <d2p1:TransactionId>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</d2p1:TransactionId> </ApiResult> <NewSuggestedTime>0001-01-01T00:00:00</NewSuggestedTime> <UpdatedOrder xmlns:d2p1=""> <AssignAlohaLoyalty xmlns="">false</AssignAlohaLoyalty> <AutoRelease xmlns="">false</AutoRelease> <AutoSendToKitchen xmlns="">false</AutoSendToKitchen> <CheckInApplication i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckInIntent i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckInOriginId i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckInOriginType i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckInSummary i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckInVectorId i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckInVectorType i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <CheckedIn xmlns="">false</CheckedIn> <Destination i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <DestinationId i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <DriveTime xmlns="">0</DriveTime> <EstimatedSubTotal xmlns="">0</EstimatedSubTotal> <EstimatedTax xmlns="">0</EstimatedTax> <ExternalOrderId i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <KitchenStatus xmlns="">None</KitchenStatus> <LaneIdentifier i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <OrderMode xmlns="">None</OrderMode> <OrderSource xmlns="">None</OrderSource> <OrderTime i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <OverrideModeCharge i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <PartySize xmlns="">0</PartySize> <PrepTime xmlns="">0</PrepTime> <PromiseDateTime xmlns="">0001-01-01T00:00:00</PromiseDateTime> <ReferenceNumber xmlns="">0</ReferenceNumber> <ReleaseAwaitingDeposit xmlns="">false</ReleaseAwaitingDeposit> <SiteInformation xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <SourceId i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <SpecialInstructions i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <Status xmlns="">None</Status> <TaxExempt xmlns="">false</TaxExempt> <d2p1:ClosedTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:Comps /> <d2p1:Customer> <AddressLine1 xmlns=""></AddressLine1> <AddressLine2 xmlns=""></AddressLine2> <AddressNotes i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType> <BusinessName xmlns=""></BusinessName> <City xmlns=""></City> <CustomerId xmlns="">0</CustomerId> <DepartmentName xmlns=""></DepartmentName> <EMail i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <FirstName xmlns=""></FirstName> <LastName xmlns=""></LastName> <LoyaltyCardNumber xmlns=""></LoyaltyCardNumber> <Notes xmlns=""></Notes> <PhoneType xmlns="">None</PhoneType> <Postal xmlns=""></Postal> <ReferenceId xmlns="">0</ReferenceId> <SaveAddress xmlns="">false</SaveAddress> <State xmlns=""></State> <TaxId xmlns=""></TaxId> <VoicePhone xmlns=""></VoicePhone> <VoicePhoneExtension i:nil="true" xmlns="" /> <d2p1:DeliveryZone i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:ExtraAddresses i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:Vehicle i:nil="true" /> </d2p1:Customer> <d2p1:DiscountTotal>0</d2p1:DiscountTotal> <d2p1:DispatchTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DriverId>0</d2p1:DriverId> <d2p1:FailedItems /> <d2p1:FirstBumpTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:FirstPaymentTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:FirstSentToKitchenTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:FulfilledTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:Guests /> <d2p1:Items /> <d2p1:LastBumpTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:LastPaymentTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:LastSentToKitchenTime i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:ModeCharge>0</d2p1:ModeCharge> <d2p1:OrderId>0</d2p1:OrderId> <d2p1:OrderNumber>0</d2p1:OrderNumber> <d2p1:PaymentTotal>0</d2p1:PaymentTotal> <d2p1:Promos /> <d2p1:SequenceNumber>0</d2p1:SequenceNumber> <d2p1:SubTotal>0</d2p1:SubTotal> <d2p1:Tax>0</d2p1:Tax> <d2p1:Tendered>false</d2p1:Tendered> <d2p1:Tenders /> <d2p1:Total>0</d2p1:Total> </UpdatedOrder> </FormattedOrderResponse>